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Contact Centre...

to receive, record, verify and update your insureds' records in realtime.

Administration Solution...

world class claims management process for all insurance claims services.

Seamless Integration ...

we have the facilities to integrate with our clients' own systems.

ClaimsActive provide clients with the ability to outsource claims lodgment, processing and resolution or such modules as they require. We tailor our services to meet our client's needs, so we are very accustomed to working through options and planning the best solutions for your needs. 

ClaimsActive provides a full range of claim management services in the following broad categories
  • Motor Vehicle - Personal, Commercial, Fleet and Heavy vehicle
  • Home, Contents and other Personal Lines
  • Commercial & Industrial Property - Landlord, Strata, ISR and SME Public liability, Business, Marine Pleasure Craft and Machinery Breakdown
  • Rural Pack
ClaimsActive does not manage claims arising from the statutory products of Workers Compensation or Compulsory Third Party.

The ClaimsActive contact centre facility located in Sydney CBD - provides the hub for new claim lodgment

Our established and proven 120 seat inbound/outbound facility has the capacity and capability to integrate with all types of voice, web and data systems.

This provides our clients with maximum convenience whilst ensuring the efficient management and reporting of the claims process.

The centre has the ability to open at times best suited to our client's requirements, particularly during peak claim periods. Partnering with ClaimsActive can ease the burden of staffing, rostering and training and provides a solid BCP for existing operations.  

Why Use ClaimsActive
ClaimsActive have the People, Processes and Systems to manage claims whenever required, including:
  • Business as usual.CA can provide the backup necessary to smooth the effects of absenteeism, attrition and continual retraining costs;
  • Catastrophes. CA can assist with the influx of claims by sharing the additional workload generated by the event or by taking on part of the business as usual activity;
  • Run off Book of Claims. When exiting a portfolio the claims may continue for some time distracting you from new business;
  • Business Continuity Planning. CA provide claims management backup services in the event that a clients claims system should falter;
  • Broker Support. Tracking the progress of claims lodged on behalf of clients with cover holder, and
  • Out of Hours. CA provides a quality handover service for after normal hours and or weekend servicing for your claims.


ClaimsActive has the ability to provide staff able to perform the duties in line with World Best Practice. We take pride in the quality of our staff and their ability to deliver at the highest standard for our clients. This is maintained through our Quality Assurance programs, covering training, motivation and monitoring of staff performance.  

Whether it is first lodgement/reporting of claim, provision of additional information or simply following up on the progress of their claim your client will be handled quickly and efficiently by accredited customer centric staff. 

Process and Systems

Our claims platform CIPAR - Claims, Information, Processing and Reporting, is a custom built workflow and imaging (paperless) claims management system. CIPAR has the ability to recognise incoming documents and automatically allocate them to the correct claim.

Documents/correspondence is created within CIPAR which then auto saves them within the claim. This eliminates the need to exit the claims processing system to create documents and 'drag' them back into the claim ' yes ' it saves time, effort and reduces cost of claim.

CIPAR enables our staff and clients the ability to track and interact with any claims handler throughout the life of the claim, twenty four hours, seven days per week via any secure internet connection. A CA Client can view the progress of the claim via a secure site. Every step leaves a fully transparent and auditable trail.

Reports are extracted from CIPAR tailored to meet individual client needs. Both adhoc and routine reports are available to meet requirements.

Claims Payments are custom designed to suit the individual business rules of our clients.

Other Services

Motor Claims - Processing for all automotive claims enabling complete online recording and real-time tracking of the repair and assessment progress. The system provides automated performance and cost control reporting for our clients.  

Settlement and Recovery The dedicated claims team will manage the claim to a cost effective settlement whilst adhering to pre determined time standards, ensuring any recovery potential is identified and vigorously pursued from third parties.  

Loss Adjusting As an independent claims manager, ClaimsActive can provide a transparent loss adjusting service in all states of Australia via independent loss adjusters or through adjusters nominated by the client  

Risk Management reporting, Claims Cost and Premium Impact Services these services are tailored to each client's requirement to provide valuable information vital in the management of claim costs, risk assessment and premium calculation.  

Service Provider Management ClaimsActive have developed and managed a network of professional service providers around Australia including loss adjusters, medical providers, investigators, suppliers, builders, repairers and legal providers to deliver best practice for our clients.  

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